
How to handle undressing

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Alas, this is such a common concern the experts have written articles on it. Here is one to start with:
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when I showered a patient with dementia I gathered all my supplies and towels together first
sometimes people think of the privacy needs and forget the safety issues....once that person is in the shower you must be there at all times
undressing should be in an organized as well as respectful....I had my client wear his pajama pants, then would lower them as he sat on the towel covered toilet seat him a towel to cover himself...I ran the shower to the right temp, arranged the shower chair and bath mat....I assisted him into the shower with his towel around him to the chair...I washed his hair and his back...I gave him a washcloth and privacy...the towel covering him could drop to the shower I stood right next to the shower....I suppose there is a more specific format...I wanted to share this with you...I would gently ask this fellow how I could help and have a little conversation during his shower which he enjoyed....good luck
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