
My friend name her oldest son power of attorney she hasn't even passed away yet and they are taking her things out of the house. So I want to know if it's legal

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POA is intended to grant the power to a person to handle the affairs of the elder when the elder is no longer able to make decisions and handle their own affairs.

If someone is still mentally competent they can grant POA but still will be in control of their affairs. What you're describing could be theft or family simply taking care of belongings for someone who can no longer handle their own affairs. Is your friend making accusations?

Having a POA does not mean you own the persons estate and can use proceeds or property for personal use. Those issues are determined by wills and state law.
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Assigning a Power of Attorney must be done I writing...signed by mom and notarized.

A verbal power of attorney? Well, to be technical, if mom were sitting next to that person at her bank, and told the banker that person could speak for her? The banker can then discuss mom's account with that person. SonTHAT would be A verbal power of attorney for that purpose at that day and time only.
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Is this the oldest son who apparently was named in the POA addressed in this post?

Is this the who holds POA and was asking you and your BF to leave? Or has the old woman who is dying signed a new POA?

Kay, seriously, for your own state of mind and health, don't you think it's time to find a place of your own and leave this contentious family to their own battles? From your other post, it seems to be clear that they're trying to get you to leave the house.
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