
Two weeks ago I wrote and asked about how you start the hospice procedure. I received many replies and began the process. It was the best thing I ever done. Hospice was with me and my family from the time she arrived home until she passed yesterday. I'm writing this to reassure anyone who is trying to make the right decision, getting on board with a good hospice group is the right decision for you and your family.

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Here's what your post says without all the extraneous code that makes it hard to read:

"Two weeks ago I wrote and asked about how you start the hospice procedure. I received many replies and began the process. It was the best thing I ever done. Hospice was with me and my family from the time she arrived home until she passed yesterday. I'm writing this to reassure anyone who is trying to make the right decision, getting on board with a good hospice group is the right decision for you and your family."
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DaveG6235 Jan 11, 2024
What code? Straight up it was dry helpful f
or me and my family
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Dave, thank you for sharing your positive experience with hospice.

I am so sorry for your families loss. May The Lord give you all grieving mercies, comfort and peace during this new season in life.
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Condolences on your loss. I’m glad you posted this.
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Thank you so much Dave, and my condolences on this loss. I am so happy there was peace and comfort in the end.
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Condolences on your loss, Dave. Thank you for letting us know that hospice can be a heaven-sent solution for the dying and their families.
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Sorry about your loss. Glad everything worked for the good. Thanks for the update.
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I am so glad to hear this. I tried to get my father’s primary care Dr to refer him for hospice but he said he could not without a diagnosis. So my dad had to spend one night in the hospital but left yesterday with an adult failure to thrive diagnosis on top of kidney failure, likely cancer and dementia. He has lost perhaps 30% of his body weight (and was thin to begin with — now skeletal) and is barely eating or drinking. I am still afraid and sad for myself and my mother, but relieved to have compassionate professionals to help us through this. He has been 100% clear and consistent in his own message about this, which I am very grateful for.
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Thank you for sharing and I am so sorry for your loss. I agree. I called hospice just a few days before my mom passed. I wish I had called earlier. After calling them, I did not feel so alone and it provided comfort for me as well as my mom,
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So sorry for your loss. Very happy that you were pleased with hospice.
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Dave I, so sorry for your loss but glad you connected with a good hospice for your loved one.
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Care & Comfort Is the most beautiful help - it’s a miracle and mom lives in the middle of nowhere- my brother said it can’t be done but with their help mom and I are so supped - thank you Care & Comfort in California
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