
the problem is my brothers are using my mom,the night my dad passed away in 2007 iswhen it started,they have been arrested so many times for everything under the sun, only to be slapped on the wrist and let go,there has to be something me and my sister can do before she loses everything my dad worked so hard for so when he did die she wouldn't have to worry.

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Get a DPOA (Durable Power of Attorney), both you and your sister can be on it. Take over your mom's finances...I took away my mom's debit card, credit cards, check book and kept them at my house so my brother and his family couldn't get to them. I am fortunate that I lived in the same town as mom so it made it easier to just get her and take her shopping, etc. whenever she needed to go. I set her up with online banking so I could pay her bills from home. Then get a restraining order and have family members removed lawfully from her home if that is an issue-it was with me. They were all living with her and taking advantage. Your mom sounds as if she may be like mine, she wouldn't do anything herself to kick them out, she felt she was responsible for them because they were her family. My sisters and I had to step in and take over. We were the bad guys...and I didn't one niece had stashed her cocaine in my mom's house-but I was the horrible one for kicking them out! My prayers are with you and the sooner you act the better. It's never easy!
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I also got DPOA when my mother was being taken advantage of by my brother. He's always in debt and looking for help. My other brother was fine. She used to give all 3 of us money at Christmas and I even stopped that when she required a home health aid to live with her. At that point she needed every dime. I was about to reverse mortgage the house when she passed away at 90. So I am very glad I took over the finances and shut down the "giving tree". She got to stay in her own home to the end. She died in 2001. My brother hasn't spoken 2 words to me since except to try to have me removed as executor of her estate so he could possibly get more money out of it and get it faster (he didn't think I was selling the house fast enough). You do what is best for mom. You'll sleep better too.
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guardianship will work as well so you have control of your mom. you and you sister can be co-guardians.
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If you obtain dpoa, make one person the poa and te 2nd person as backup...things can get complicated if you "share" the powers. If there is a back up (your sister) poa, you can still be a team and work together for the best interests of your mom, it just makes it easier having 1 person be the final say.
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