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Uncover disturbing family secrets/skeletons in the closet ?
To neverland,
The old saying Like mother like daughter or like father like son or another saying is runs in the family saying.
As I stated many times on this forum.Becoming a caregiver requires without choice to learn their darkside or as you call it ( secrets/skeletons in the closet )
I'm a child from the 1970's.The 70's was the best of times I would say.Great movies and great music began in the 70's.Most music today is just remakes from the 70's.From Eagles,Foreigner hot blooded to cold as ice as on the morning school bus hearing Paul Harvey.Those times we will never see/hear again as best of times.Sorry for the flashback lol I loved the 70's!
Dealing with these elderly people today as caregivers is just like a flashback from the 70's.These elderly people still think their in the 70's in thinking and spending money.I have a Aunt that I caregiver for.She lives alone in her own home .I drive 20 miles one way trip,5 days a week to care for her needs.I don't get any reinbursement from my time or gas to help her.And the old 70's era lady doesn't offer a dime to me either.Once in a blue moon she may offer me $5.One gal of gas is darn near $4 a gal.It's sad what us caregivers get our selves into without thinking prior.Dealing with my Aunt I learned she is very hateful as I learned her darkside.Getting passed their darkside and moving on is a job of it's own.
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I have also seen the oposite when an elder is so grateful they will press more money on the helper than the job is worth. Our local grade scholl goes out and rakes leaves in the fall and many people try to pay them.
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Our skeleton was finding out my grandfathrr was bi-racial...1/2 black and 1/2 white. Passed himself as white. We weren't totally shocked because I always wondered about my extremely dry, coarse, wiry and curly hair.
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