
She lives alone and does quite well without any real medical issues. She's 83, and is just starting to get forgetful but usually when she's overwhelmed. I'm trying to get her to use a filing cabinet but she's a neat freak and doesn't want the clutter so she stuffs everything into an organizer into the closet but unfortunately forgets it. I want to create something in view like a chart she can hang up on her refrigerator and list Monthly things she needs to pay, as well as appointments and make it easy for her rather then in calendar form which she seems to overlook so often. Any help???? Thank you. Also if anyone knows of a inexpensive Medical Alert system, I'm thinking of getting one of those now. Even though she's just down the road from me, I still want security.

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A couple suggestions

I use a big wall calender for my folks. You can get them at Staples etc. I hung it right by the phone. Each day has a very large space for writing in appointments and reminders. This has worked well for a couple of years now.

Also, think about getting control of moms finances, credit cards, bill paying. I gradually took all this over for my folks. My dad thinks mom does it but it was getting really messed up. I just saw a scam charge on their credit card today and took care of it. My folks would never have noticed.

If you don't have POA get this done soon. You will need it to be able to act on her behalf.
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I agree with Windyridge above, it might be time to take over all the bills for your Mom.

With my parents, it was always my Mom's job to take care of all the bills, and remember what bills were to come in and when. Once my Mom passed, I thought Dad would pick up where she left off. Turned out Dad was just throwing the bills away thinking they were junk mail. Oops. I dug through the recycling to find over-due bills, etc.

For me, I use the 3-ring binder system. Regular every day bills were in two binders [A-M and N-Z], Medical had another binder, another binder for stocks, etc. Then I have a container where I toss bills to be filed. I also had my name placed as a co-signer for Dad's checking and saving accounts. And I did on-line accounts so I could watch over the checking/saving accounts. My Dad has no blank checks at his home as I found he was paying on something I had already paid.
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Thanks this has been very helpful!
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Large calendars are great; all the appointments can be viewed at a glance.

Color code different activities - one color for doctors, another color for due date of bills, etc.

If you now for sure what days you'll visit, you can add smileys, or something cute. There used to be a lot of attractive stickers available in stationery sections of card and grocery stores.

If there's a special tv program she wants to watch, use a different colored pen, or another smiley or something cheery.
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