
My father is legally blind and has short term memory loss. He would like a phone at the nursing home to call me occasionally but I know he will not be able to operate a complex phone. Any suggestions?

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The best phone to get is an old fashioned landline phone, the one where there is a cord from the phone to the receiver. Us seniors grew up with these phones so it is pretty much ingrained in our minds how to use them :)

Places like Target sells landlines but don't get the portable landline as someone with memory loss will forget to put the phone back into the charger stand.
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two tin cans with a taunt wire between them is about as foolproof as you can get .
it requires little explanation .
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freqflyer, so true. My parents have a cordless phone. Both of them forget to press "end" when the call is finished so the phone is almost always off the hook. I get a busy signal if I try to call them. I have to text the nurse on her cell phone and wait anxiously for a response.
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Yogagirl, how is that Smartphone so far?

I am at the age where I just don't want to learn anything new or more complex then that of my flip phone. I remember one time my boss' Smartphone was ringing and he was elsewhere in the office and asked me to answer it. I looked at this rectangle box, I picked it up, said hello but it still was ringing [the ring tone was set to the sound of crickets which was scary in itself as it was set for LOUD].... I had no clue what to do. Give me an old fashioned landline :)
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Yogagirl, my Dad did the same thing with the cordless phone I let him borrow to try out. He couldn't remember to push LIVE or whatever the term was to answer the phone, then would forget to push END, and half the time the phone was dead from lack of recharging.

In fact, I plan to buy a bunch of corded landlines so I have them available as I age. These phones are getting harder and harder to find. And cellphones have become way too complex for me to deal with. I still have a flip phone as the Smartphones are too frustrating for me :P
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lol , freq ,
my flip phone pisses me off so much i just kill it when it gets too demanding .
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im going to drop it in a mudhole some day , count on it . i wont be bullied ..
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freqflyer, I know what you mean!!
I am actually a little phobic about technology and can't
even program my TV remote control properly.
I was the last person I know to get a computer and
that was only because my friends complained that
they couldn't email me and I wanted the dating sites.
Necessity is the mother of invention!

My old flip phone was breaking and held together with
scotch tape so I really needed a new phone. I took
a giant leap of faith and purchased an Apple iPhone at
my phone place. I drove it over to the nearest Apple
store, a very intimidating place for me.
Luckily, a sweet young man helped me.
I thought I would be in tears!
He showed me the basics like calling
and texting. He signed me up for the free iPhone class
which I attended. Also, he was able to transfer my contact list
from my old phone to the new one!

When you go to use the phone, you are required to tap
in a quick password so no one else can use
your phone. I just use my birthday so I will
remember it. I think that's why you couldn't
answer the phone for your boss.
I still have a lot to learn, keep you posted!
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Yogagirl, my gosh you need a password to use your phone?

Another good reason to keep a landline at a house. If something happens to a person who only has a Smartphone and a visitor needs to call 911, and they themselves have no cellphone or forgot to bring theirs, what would they do if they didn't have your password? Run to the neighbors, if any? I know, I am going through the "what ifs" :P

We recently got new TV remotes as our old FiOS ones weren't working any more. My gosh, it was a challenge to read the directions, and I use to be so good at doing these things..... I could put together anything. As I get older, the directions might as well be written in Star Trek Klingon.
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tacy022, That's great, thank you!
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