
My mom died tonight and they brought the body to the medical facility until the funeral home comes and gets her. Who do I call after this? Is it Medicare, Social Security, trust fund, insurance?

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I am so sorry about your mom.
Call the funeral home you plan to use. They will guide you through all the steps and assist with social security etc.
Helpful Answer (10)

Bunky, I'm so sorry you lost your mom tonight.
Helpful Answer (3)

Bunky, I'm so sorry about your mom.
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I am so sorry for your loss!
Did Mom have any end of life arrangements in place?
Do you know what her final wishes are?
Do you know where she wants her final resting place to be?
Sounds like you already have a funeral home in place. They can help you navigate the process.
Things will fall into place.
For now, just grieve and work on moving forward a little later!
God bless!!
Helpful Answer (4)
keepingup Apr 2020
What do you do if your mother and yourself were so estranged she never discussed her end of life wishes. Only that she thought her brother did the right thing by not having a funeral, just being cremated and having ashes scattered.
So sorry for your loss; please know that she is resting in peace. Call the trust attorney to let him know. The funeral home will guide you through the logistics of Medicare and SS. Obituaries in newspapers are expensive; I'm not sure what kind of budget you have, but if that is a concern, there are many online retailers for caskets and grave markers ( Will she be embalmed or cremated? Do you need to have her body flown somewhere for burial?
Please update us and let us know what further information/advice you need. We are here for you.
Helpful Answer (5)

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom in November. At the funeral home they will order death certificates for you; you'll need one for each insurance policy, pension, or retirement plan she had. So it might be good to talk to your attorney and make a list before you go. This will save time and trouble later, trust me. My mother had a lot of little insurance policies, each requiring an official death certificate.
Helpful Answer (2)
Hummer Apr 2020
Order MORE death certificates than you think you are going to need. You will probably need them.
The funeral home or hospice might have a checklist of things to do when someone dies. It can be complicated. The funeral home will notify Social Security and Social Security notifies Medicare. You may be responsible for returning the final month's social security payment. You will get a small death benefit. You'll get a death certificate from the funeral home. When I did this for my aunt and father, I needed original copies of the death certificate to give to the bank, and others. I got about 10 copies. It's easiest to get many copies from the funeral home, rather than ordering them from Vital Records later. My loved ones didn't have insurance, but yes, I'd notify the insurance company. Depending on the size of the estate, you may need an attorney if the estate goes into probate. I think it is state laws that determine this. If you have been POA for your mother, this ends when she dies, and the executor of the will takes over. Did she have a will? Are you the executor? Are you a signee for the Trust Fund? All of the property will be distributed to the heirs, and all of the property records then need to be transferred over to the new names of the owners. You'll need the death certificates to do this. If there was a house, the executor also will have to arrange for the sale or transfer of the house title to the new owner. If there was an apartment, the landlord should be notified. All of the utilities and insurance need to be transferred to the new name or stopped. The executor should have her mail forwarded to them for the maximum amount of time that the Post Office allows so that they see what bills come in. The estate pays the bills until the property is transferred, or in your case it may be a trust that will pay the bills. The bank will have to be notified. The accounts need to be transferred to "the estate of..." unless they were joint accounts or in the trust. It's best to leave an estate or trust checking account open that can be used to pay bills until everything gets transferred over. I made the mistake of closing my aunt's estate account too soon, and over a year later got some additional funds that I claimed from the state's Unclaimed Property division. It was very difficult to deposit the check at that time.
Helpful Answer (7)
jcubed821 Apr 2020
Thank you for your very helpful answer! I had no idea there was so much involved.
See 2 more replies
The Funeral Home should help out with some of this.
Hospice would as well if you had them involved.
Trust me Social Security will know as soon as the Death Certificate has been filed. (That is almost as soon as a doctor signs it)
When they ask how many copies of the Death Certificate you want..over estimate how many you will need. Better to pay for and have more than you need than to have to get more later. I would say get 10 copies.
Helpful Answer (4)

I am so sorry.

I bought after-death services for my mother last year and was told the funeral home notifies these Social Security, which then notifies the other federal programs, like Medicare. The more personal entities like banks, insurance, etc, you will need to be in touch with them. These entities will want a death certificate. I purchased 20, although that seems like a lot. Down the road, if an entity needs documentation, it's easier to have them on-file versus the chore and time it takes to order them. I hope this helps.
Helpful Answer (8)

Bunky, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother.
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My mom recently passed in March. Once you get to the Funeral Home and make the arrangements they will notify Social Security who in turn will notify Medicare. Once all is done you can call her insurance company if she has life insurance to notify them. You will need a copy of her death certificate for them which the funeral home will provide. Order a few of those since some companies you call for her will want a copy. Take a breather and take your time. You can call the other companies she deals with if any to cancel whatever she has. Peace be with you and your family
Helpful Answer (3)

Bunky, I am so sorry for your loss.
Helpful Answer (1)

Bunky, I am so sorry for your loss.

May God grant you grieving mercies and comfort during this difficult time.

(I recommend ordering 12 copies of the death certificate from the funeral home. It is cheaper and you will be sending everyone a copy to finish her business.) Edit: I just read other responses, yep, everyone has the same experience of needing lots of certs.
Helpful Answer (3)
Getkicksonrte66 Apr 2020
I'm so sorry for your loss. First of all, you will need to work with the funeral director who will obtain copies of your mother's death certificate. They will be able to advise you regarding how many copies you will need. Once you have them, you will need to submit a copy to social security (which should handle medicare), pension plans, life insurance, any co medical insurance, banks, any outstanding creditors. Depending on her circumstances, you may have other entities that need to be notified. Use your funeral director as a resource.
Helpful Answer (2)
Getkicksonrte66 Apr 2020
When my folks passed away, I just called Social Security and informed them of their death. No death certificate was required.
Sorry to hear about your moms passing. I wanted to add this not knowing if it applies to your mom but could to others. Many moms in the US in this age range were WWII war brides, even if US citizens now they could be receiving something like Social security from another country if they worked there before coming to the US. England pays social security if the mom lived and work prior and during the war. So make sure to notify them also.
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The funeral home will take care of the things that need to be done first. Once you have your 10 death certificates, it might make sense to make an appointment with an elder law attorney to determine if you need to go through probate; that depends on her assets. If she has very little, you might be able to avoid that more involved process. Last, you will need to file one more tax return for 2020 when the time comes. But right now, all you need to do is to focus on how to celebrate her life and mourn her death. The rest can be addressed in a month.
Helpful Answer (5)

Sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. The funeral home should do most of the work. The director came to our home to make plans when my dad and brother passed away. I do not know how they would plan with you during the current situation, but maybe Skype or other tele means of communication. I called Social Security and the VA administration as well as the health insurance company for my peace of mind. If you have life insurance and want to collect right away the company will need a death certificate. I made about 10 copies and kept some for my files. The funeral director and church grieving council both were very helpful at a most difficult time. Take good care of yourself and wishing you peace along your new journey in life. God bless you and keep you in his loving care. Hugs!
Helpful Answer (4)

I am sorry for your loss. May you be blessed with wonderful memories to help you as you settle the estate. I noticed someone said to get more death certificates. I agree. 2 years ago my friend was so depressed when her Mom and her dog died within weeks. I did all the paperwork to settle the estate. Even the power company required a copy. I found it to be very rewarding although lengthy. I felt I knew her and her family better.

With social distancing, things will be very different for you. All of us wrap our arms around you. Take care.
Helpful Answer (14)

My mom died last week. And I'm so sorry. The funeral home will notify social security and arrange for you to get copies of the death certificate. Once you have that, you can notify her insurance company and file a claim. Right now, when you are ready, just notify friends and family. If she had a trust, notify the attorney who set up the trust and he/she can direct you.
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.Funeral home will notify SSA, those checks will stop. You can notify Medicare online I believe, but unsure. Trust fund and insurance you will have to notify them.
Helpful Answer (6)

Oh, Bunky, I'm sorry for your loss. There will be many tasks, especially bits of paperwork, over the next few months. But you can chip away on many of them bit by bit, remembering your dear mother as you do so. Even in these odd pandemic times, the funeral home will help you with the most immediate ones, even if they have to communicate by phone or computer with you when, traditionally, they would have done more in-person meeting(s) with you. Even though they are a business, most funeral home staff tend to be tender-hearted and helpful and will get you through the most immediate steps. Several tasks have to wait until the death certificate is available. Normally I would have said to just get a handful of death certificates as, in our case here, they cost about $20 each. Many businesses/entities are willing to return the originals to you after they make a copy of the certified one for their records. But because in many states we are limiting our errand-running right now, it is possible that you may want a few more copies just to be able to mail it in and forget it. Considering your mother's age, she may well have had a husband who was a vet in wartime, and it is possible there might be some small grant or honor attached to that. The local veteran's office in whatever town/city you live in could help you check on this if it matters to you. There is no charge for them looking into it for you, and they tend to be kind and helpful. Your mother had enough years on her that she may have outlived most or even all longtime friends, but it goes without saying that if you know of any such friend she (usually a she!) would probably want to know. I know it is a process, and when you grow weary you can always write us on this list if you need practical wisdom or just need a sympathetic ear.
Helpful Answer (8)

The Funeral Home can guide you through what needs to be done. If you need to change names or titles on property or accounts, you can do those one at a time as you are able. No one will rush you, Let companies or banks or brokers handle paper work as needed. You will find lots of patience and support. Take a dep breath and deal with things as you are able.
Helpful Answer (7)

The funeral home generally takes care of all of those things that you mention - contacting SSA, getting copy of death certificate. I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending you condolences. You can notify family and friends of her passing.
Helpful Answer (1)

I'm sorry to hear your mom died. Take care.
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It was time...we all have to go home eventually. The body was old and so tired. She probably said so many times herself. Im sure a big part of the reason she stayed here for so long was the love you have for each other. No doubt. You can rest easy knowing that you did a wonderful job taking care of her. The Angels will be taking good care of her now.. You might take some warm epsom salts baths at night, and drink 2 or 3 tea bags of chamomile tea with honey before bed. It will calm your stomach and nerves. Remember that 'Love is never parted from itself for long".
Helpful Answer (2)

My condolences. It may be a difficult time but you can get much support here any time you need it.

I can tell you that when Luz (DW) passed the funeral home only arranged for one copy of the death certificate. I had to go to the county to get more. Yes they are expensive.
I also stood in line at SS to ensure that she was recorded and they did notify Medicare.
Among the others I visited were:
registrar of voters to get her name removed as a voter. (helps for jury duty also)
DMV to cancel her state ID.
The Air Force Base Id office to cancel her Id there. (Also for Tricare)
Life insurance agent, required only one copy for both policies.
Auto insurance to get her name off of policy.
Bank to close her account.
Credit union to close that account and remove her from the credit card.
working to get her name off of mortgage.
Still need to get new title for her car.
Credit card companies (Sears, etc).
Casinos to close her players club accounts.
Pharmacy to close account.
Change "Pay on Death" and beneficiaries with pensions and banks.
Church to stop mailers.
NOTE: nothing stops the rest of the junk mailers.
Primary Care Physician to close her records.
I almost forgot about the utility, cable, and phone companies.
(Had to open new account with electric co.)
This may seem excessive but I worried about ID theft. It is not uncommon in many areas.

Social Security death benefit is payable only to the surviving spouse.
Helpful Answer (6)

Oh, Bunky, I'm so, so sorry. I'm sure you'll get a wealth of great suggestions, advice, and experience here. I can say from experience, obtain more death certificates than you think you'll need; I had NO idea how many I'd need (like, 13); each one required a separate form/application, and had to be Notarized separately before I even took them into the County offices. At $28 for each one (Notary and County fee) is a lot. But, I needed them and would have ended up paying the same amount of money. If I'd known, I wouldn't have had to go through the routine thrice. So, I suggest doing it once, even though it can be pricey (money is very much a consideration for me). Again, please know you're supported here.
Helpful Answer (2)

So sorry for your loss, Bunky.
Just a small note on Social Security
Check. The payments are paid a month behind, so if she received her payment for April, it was for the month of March.
May your memories being you peace.
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The funeral home is able to help you walk through all of the steps involved when someone passes away. It is possible they may even make the calls and start whatever has to be done for you. Speak to the funeral director. In the meantime, make a list of everyone you can think of who could be involved and have that list handy for the funeral parlor. They are a good starting point. Don't forget, you get a tiny Social Security burial check too. They will help you. Good luck. I have no idea if she had anything, but it might be wise to have an eldercare attorney on standby to see if you need legal help with the estate. I pray she has discussed all of her affairs with you and that they are all in order. Not to do this is one of the worst things someone can do. For almost all of my life, I have made it a point to have my affairs l00% in order at all times so anyone involved would know exactly what to do. My funeral is completely paid for. I wrote my own obituary and eulogy and have given detailed instructions for every facet to my two friends (I have no family left). I did it all.
Helpful Answer (2)

Hi all I want to thank you all for answering my question. They were very helpful. Unfortunately I have to do all the questions I asked twice. My husband past Sunday rough week. Thank you again
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97yroldmom Apr 2020
My goodness. I am so very sorry. I can’t imagine the stress and pain. Please be so careful with yourself. Again I’m very sorry and we are here for you. Please check in and let us know how you are doing. ((((HUGS))))
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