
Mom has been in and out of the hospital 17 times in the last 28 months for COPD and CHF. She was due to be released last Friday after her pulmonologist had gotten as much fluid off of her as he safely could. She woke up Friday morning with her left eye looking sideways and therefore had double vision. The nurse didn't even notice it. My sister and I walked into the room that morning to start getting her ready for discharge and immediately said "what happened to her!" It was very obvious and completely spontaneous. The nursing staff didn't seem to take it too seriously. The charge nurse looked into her eyes with a little light and said it was responding normally to the light and she could see the finger being held up in front of her. Their only advice was to take her to the eye dr. after getting home. We were afraid this is much more serious like a stroke or something but they were intent on getting her out of that room to make room for the next patient!
She has dbl. vision and can't really watch tv or read which are her only pleasures. It's heartbreaking to see her suffer with yet another health problem. We are taking her to the eye Dr. Today but I have a hunch it's nerological. We will see, (pardon the pun). Have any of you or your loved ones ever experienced something like this? Please tell me and also tell me what if anything made it better. She already has so many health problems. It's just not fair to take away he sight. Thanks everyone. I look forward to your posts.

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My dad had something similar many years ago. He was driving to church when he suddenly couldn't see. Of course we thought stroke, and in a way it was. He had a benign brain tumour which had bled slightly (very scary). They figured he had the tumour all his life without symptoms and didn't need treatment for it. His eye was treated by patching the good eye just like you do for kids with lazy eye and eventually recovered his full vision. I can't imagine the nurses giving you the brush off like that.
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Thank you cwillie. It definitely felt like the brush off. The hospital is extremely busy. It took 30 hrs. To get a room from the ER. It is terrible to watch mom suffer in the ER for so long at her age and in her diminished condition.
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I don't have any kind of experience like this one, but I would say that there's so many people around the world are also have an experience this kind of scenario. So you're not the only one. Anyway, just do not stop taking the prescription of the doctors for your mom to help her with condition.
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Sounds like stroke. Looks like stroke. Neither the Pulmonologist or the Optometrist can diagnose that. See a Neurologist ASAP and raise holy he!!with the hospital administrator for letting her go like that.
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