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H'm - I was looking for emergency outreach services near you, but instead stumbled over the small but important point that a dental abscess can of course have a number of causes, and I guess some of them might be related to whatever has caused your mother to be admitted to hospice care.

So if I were you, I should call your mother's former dentist, or your own, and get professional advice about what to do. As well as treatment, they will also know if there are specialist services she can access and where you might find them.

Treating an abscess is not incompatible with palliative care, by the way. Painful, unpleasant and easy to relieve - it's entirely appropriate to deal with it.

Google was very helpful when I searched 'emergency dental services Denton Tx'!!
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Lmhcreativecare Jun 2019
I’m not finding any mobile dental services for homebound patients. Can you please share any results you found? Thank you!
Have you spoken to your hospice provider yet? Did the hospice company supply any materials detailing what to do if certain circumstances occurred? When my mother was in hospice, we received a one-sheet list of instructions spelling out what conditions to report to hospice, when to call/not call 911, etc. I don't remember the details now but in case of questions I would always call hospice first.
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