
He is on Social Security and doesn't make enough to pay for the clean up. They are bitting me only it seems his skin has no reaction to them it appears. I actually get sick after I have been bitten several times. Someone please help me. I started with adult protective services but they came out and left a card but did not answer when I called the number back. I'm loosing my mind. I don't even want to go over to his home anymore because I brought them home once already and it cost me thirty two hundred dollars for the removal. I can't pay that kind of money out to clean it up again in my home. I don't know what to do. Please someone who knows what they are talking about give me some answers. please

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I'd look for another job. You can't be making much money if you have to pay $3,200 to have them eradicated from your home.
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Order some diatomaceous earth, food grade and treat his bed, the carpet and furniture around him. It can take a couple of weeks, but it works.

You will need to do a thorough cleaning before applying, vacuum everything and spray plain undiluted white vinegar on everything, the smell goes away when it drys. Then apply the DE.
You should change your clothes before you get in your vehicle, put everything exposed in a plastic bag and twist tie it, wash as soon as you get home in hot water and dryer.

If you can please do this for this old man. Someone has to and if you don't, who will?

It will take some work but you can do it. Don't breathe the DE, a face mask like the hospital hands out for a cough is sufficient. Vacuum everything as often as possible and spray vinegar, letting it dry completely before applying the DE. Wash everything in hot water and high heat dryer. Walls, shelves, undersides, top, bottom, back, inside and out, everything needs to be cleaned with white vinegar.

I am sorry that you are having to deal with this, but I thank you on behalf of your client and everyone that won't be subjected because you cared enough.
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Who is your employer?

It seems ridiculous to me that you are being left to try to deal with this on your own initiative. It is a skilled job that requires qualified people to do it. The reason I ask who your employer is, is that that organisation is responsible for your safety and wellbeing at work, and so it is up to them to see that you are not forced to expose yourself to infestation. If you can't get APS, or another statutory body, to deal with the issue perhaps your employer can.

If you can afford it and aren't afraid of being turned off, I think you should refuse to return to your client's home until it has been treated. I see from your profile that your client has many health problems and probably can't be left unattended for very long, but that is his health care team's problem and shouldn't be yours alone.

You'll be standing up for him and for yourself if you can get to grips with this! And remember - just because he doesn't react badly to bites, it doesn't mean he can't get infected by them. His living environment isn't acceptable for him or for you as long as this problem goes on. His welfare is being neglected (and not by you).
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