
My FIL is now in Hospice. MIL seeing her hubby in ‘Hospice’ is frightening her.

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There is a choice that has to be made.
MIL can go to Memory Care where she will be cared for 24/7
(might actually be possible for FIL to be in the same place and Hospice can care for him and MIL will still have him close. )
MIL moves in with a relative but know that dementia will cause a decline and it is not easy caring for someone with dementia. There will be a need for 24/7 care. Hired caregivers the best option.
Might even want to check to see if MIL is a candidate for Hospice as well. If so you would have some help and get all the supplies and equipment that is needed to help care for her safely.
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Thank you all for great ideas and options. My FIL reportedly may pass next 48hrs if not sooner. MIL is there and calm, fully aware of the situation-amazing. Family presence is calming for now. Discussions with siblings this evening. Blessings to all of you, and sincerely appreciate feedback.
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As commenters said in your last post, having to deal with a dying DH who's on hospice is NEVER a good thing or an easy thing for a wife who's suffering from dementia! She needs to be taken AWAY from that situation because she cannot cope with it. People with dementia cannot cope with most normal situations, really, never mind overwhelming situations where their husbands are dying! We who do not have dementia often cannot cope well with such scenarios, right? Not sure what you mean by 'short term dementia' either; dementia affects short term MEMORY, but no dementia is 'short term' in that it doesn't last for a little while and then disappear; it's permanent & progressive.

You can place MIL into a Memory Care ALF now where she would get 24/7 care, if she has the funds to self pay. Or, as Grandma said, MIL can move in with a family member, but that leaves the question of who will stay with FIL who cannot be left alone at this end of life stage he's at. The other choice may be to get FIL into a hospice house or a Memory Care ALF himself and leave MIL home with in-home caregivers coming in daily to help her. It all depends on the finances, really.

Good luck!
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