
My mom fell while under the care of my brother. There are covid outbreaks with a variant she is not vaccinated against. She has pain in her pelvis, but dreads a hospitalization.

Isn't this a situation where hospice should step in and arrange to get her confort care? They seem to be holding back due to her PT prior to the fall. Do they need to hear something special here?

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Regarding covid this season: my MIL's LTC facility is on it's 2nd outbreak since Jan 1, 2024. No one has been hospitalized, no one has passed from it. My Mom, age 94 and not recently vaccinated, got covid (I tested her) along with the rest of us right before Christmas. She got it the most mild of all of us, like a bad cold and recovered really fast.

Unless your Mom is immunocompromised or has an at-risk condition like COPD, diabetes, etc. please be cautious but don't let fear of covid paralyze you and prevent your Mom from getting propper care for her injury.
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This is not an end of life situation. So no hospice care.
In truth there is little to be done for a fractured pelvis but it is very painful and must be diagnosed.
It is time to mask up and go to the ER. She needs xrays.
Let them know she isn't vaccinated against the new variant.
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Vaccinated or not, nobody is safe from catching covid, just like the flu. Please get your mother to the hospital right away for xrays to see what's going on with her pelvis. Based on your profile, mom does mot seem ready for hospice with end of life disease at play and 6 months or less to live. Allow her to get medical attention now because she needs it.
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She needs X-rays to find out exactly what is wrong before any plan can be decided .
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Boy am I lost! First if she fell and has pelvic pain she may have a broken hip. Is she already on hospice? Or are you thinking she needs hospice for this? As for the new Covid variants,, this is like the flu vaccine,, it's a crapshoot what to vaccinate against as it mutates so frequently these days! Who has POA, and what are her EOL wishes, Please give us more information!
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