
Dad’s bowel movements are difficult to manage. He goes 2-3 days without a bowel movement, then I have to give him a laxative. I feed him fruits/fiber and plenty of water. Any natural way/food/products to make him regular?

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If you do a site search for constipation (using the magnifying glass beside your avatar at the top of the page) you will see this is a very popular topic, everyone has their favourite remedies but none of them are effective for every person. Beyond the more common prunes and prune juice one simple natural product that you might try is a probiotic, as well including prebiotics in his diet.
First though you need to be aware that having a BM every other day or even every third day can be absolutely normal for some people, as long as his stool is not hard, dry and difficult to pass it's not a crisis.
Helpful Answer (6)
Cover999 Dec 2022
Though it's being carried around until passed.
As a retired geriatric nutrition counselor I provide my mom with 3 dried prunes daily and a piece of fresh fruit. Apple or orange. She lives in Assisted living. We keep a fresh bowl of fruit in her room. She also chooses a small bowl of bran cereal. She chooses fruit and salad when on her menus also. This works for her and she does not require meds for her bowels. I also encourage her to drink 50 oz fluid daily which she does. Dates {natural laxative} and figs add extra fiber also. It takes a while to straighten sluggish bowel function out. Senna is a stool softener and can be helpful also along with real fruit. P.S. not everyone has a daily BM… elderly do need to go at least everyone other day to avoid obstructions.
Helpful Answer (6)
InFamilyService Dec 2022
Thank you, nice to have input from a professional.
Is your dad on any medication, perhaps for pain? Constipation is often one of the side effects. Have you talked with your dad's doctor about how to manage his condition?
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All of the responses I've read are good although I feel the bottom line is to Know Your Body.
Medications and age play a big role in bowel movement (Iron turns my stool into rabbit size poop).
Exercise if and whenever possible. Don't be afraid to think outside the box. If a person is alive, there are things that can be done-- even if bedridden)
This is what work for me:
1. Crackling Oat Brand (right out of the box) as an anytime snack especially late night.
2. Apple juice 8oz (once a day) with breakfast
3. Coffee (put coffee in 8oz cup with 2% milk, add hot water). Add a little Honey and Consume while still warm.
4. Exercise (this include the mind)
5. Drink four 16oz bottles of water per day (8am, 12pm, 4pm, 8pm. This is where I fall short--sorry.
Remember that our bodies react to what it is given --physically or mentally.
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Cover999 Dec 2022
bottom line Lol
My doctor recommends one dose of Miralax daily in any favorite drink. It is tasteless and gentle and once it gets things moving, a daily dose will keep him regular. The key is REGULAR.
Helpful Answer (4)
Pjdela Dec 2022
The miralax used daily is also what my Mom's gastroenterologist suggested after she ruled out any problem in the colon with a colonoscopy. The Doc did not like sennakot as she said it worked differently. She said it could cause the colon to become dependent on it to pass stool.
Lots of fiber and lots of water. Fiber without enough water can be constipating. Prunes and warm prune juice.
Good Morning,

Prunes and figs...or prune juice.
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You could try a magnesium supplement. Also whole grains like oats and brown rice might help.
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Is he mobile at all? If so a morning walk and some gentle exercise can help.

warm prune juice
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Avoid the laxatives. Gut will become dependent on them. Go with natural as much as you can.

Papaya (if he will eat it) works well. Watermelon as well. Flax seed or powder in things he eats. A couple of colace per day is also helpful.

Check his meds. More than likely at least one of them causes constipation. Any kind of pain pill will slow the gut down. If he has to have them, then the colace can help offset some of that problem.

Sitting a lot and not walking slows the gut too. People that used to have a bm each and every day can start focusing in on it not being a daily thing anymore. Moving the legs and walking helps with gut movement...if he is still mobile.
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We tried everything - metamucil, prescription drugs, dulcolax, miralax, etc. Then one of our Doctors recommended an "old fashion" remedy - mineral oil. FANTASTIC!! We put it in has no taste or odor. Gave it daily, Never had a problem again!
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