
Long story short. My addicted Brother lives with my mom. He does take care of her meals pretty well but he is stealing from her. Even her banker was concerned and was about to call APS herself. I have POA. She still has ability to write checks and can manage the basics. She has some short term memory issues but is fully functional otherwise. She allows him to live with her. Dad has passes. The rest of my siblings and I filed a complaint of elder abuse. It is unlikely she will press charges. Could he be arrested anyway? Would he be allowed to live there if found guilty. Our DA has public ally taking a hearse stance against elder abuse. I guess I would like to hear was the outcome has been for others in the same situation. We feel we are going in blind . Also the abuser is aggressive and has threatened some siblings in the past. Which adds to our stress about the situation.

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L. Although you didn't ask a question your post has a lot of energy. I'm just guessing here that you are the abused. I'm glad you have Internet access. Write back with more details. Perhaps we can help. You can also do a search on this site for what your problem is and see if you can find help there. Be very careful not to escalate the problem. Get help. Caretaking is hard. Sometimes it's better to turn the person you are caring for over to others. Write back. We care and you will probably feel better to write it all out.
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Sorry I wasn't sure of the format of the forum. I was waiting for an appointment and was called back so I did not get to finish. Thank you for your timely reply. Long story short. My addicted Brother lives with my mom. He does take care of her meals pretty well but he is stealing from her. Even her banker was concerned and was about to call APS herself. I have POA. She still has ability to write checks and can manage the basics. She has some short term memory issues but is fully functional otherwise. She allows him to live with her. Dad has passes. The rest of my siblings and I filed a complaint of elder abuse. It is unlikely she will press charges. Could he be arrested anyway? Would he be allowed to live there if found guilty. Our DA has public ally taking a hearse stance against elder abuse. I guess I would like to hear was the outcome has been for others in the same situation. We feel we are going in blind . Also the abuser is aggressive and has threatened some siblings in the past. Which adds to our stress about the situation.
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You ask the judge for an order of protection and get him out of there. Then you move mom to a nursing home, since she cannot be alone. As POA you are responsible as well . Get an attorney.
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Lllllllllllllll, I'm concerned for you as well as for your mother. As POA you have some responsibility to protect her from exploitation. I am glad you and your other sibs are taking action against him.

Please keep us informed as this unfolds. We learn from each other.
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