
About a week ago I took over ensuring my mom takes her medication for high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes but her meds make her sleep most of the day. I brought this to her doctor's attention and asked if there were alternatives she could take like supplements. He instead prescribed more meds especially one to keep her awake. She hasn't taken it yet but the side effects I've read are seeming worse than the cure. Should I keep her on the meds and let her rest or should I keep on asking the doctor?

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There is no guarantee that any of the side effects will happen. Follow what the doc advised but be on the alert for any of the listed side effects. Do not give your mom any supplements without discussing with her doc first as they will complicate her medication regimen and might interact. If you feel you aren't getting satisfactory results from this doctor, get a second opinion at another reputable gerontologist or internist.
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dtgray12 Sep 2019
will do.
Is she awake enough to eat when she’s supposed to and if she can, use the bathroom? Some posters here would ask, “Why do you want to keep her awake?” When my mother suffered with dementia, she slept a lot too. Most often, their quality of life isn’t all that great, you know? When she was awake, she was consumed by delusions and hallucinations and had just enough lucid moments to realize something wasn’t right with her. She was on meds to keep her calm since she tended to be anxious and then lash out, but I did trust the doctors and the opinions of the staff at her facility if she wanted to sleep, we let her.
Helpful Answer (3)
dtgray12 Sep 2019
didn't think about that though the neurologist diagnosed her with minor memory loss not dementia and he told us to fight for the memories.
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