
Anyone live in Baltimore? Mom has torn rotor cuff and lymphedema in the same arm. Doctors won't give her prescription pain meds because of kidney disease. I think its stage four now. Maybe they also won't give her pain meds cause of all the prescription meds she is taking for other health problems. I dont know.
I live in adifferentcountyfrom mom. Was wondering if anyone could give me names of any good pain management doctors or clinics in her area? She lives near Pikesville.


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I would have your Mom's primary doctor recommend a pain management clinic, that way both could work together to help your Mom.
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Personally, my PCP is a complete waste of time on this question. Ask the dr who is txing her for the original injury. Ortho docs are much more commonly able to recommend palliative care than PCP's. Just my opinion. Some "pain management" doctors do injections and ultrasound--and do not do anything prescription AT ALL for pain. I found this out the hard and embarrassing way!
There are patches for pain that are much less likely to interfere with kidney issues, as you don't swallow them. Good luck!
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Hopkins has a pain management clinic
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baltimorepainrelief website
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Acupuncture might be helpful---those treatments would not interfere with any medications or her medical conditions.
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BArbara, what about the pain med that the PT got the doctor to prescribe, any luck with that?
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No. I think it gives mom some relief but not much. Hard to tell with moms extreme negativity. The doctor refuses to increase the dose. I think the therapist mentioned another drug to try. But the dosage would be the same as current drug so mom said no.
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Pikesville,KY ?????? Good luck. Druggies there outnumber people like us. I am in KY and have to go to Lexington to a pain clinic. My husband has heart disease, severely torn rotator cuff, kidney disease and arthritis. He is on 30mg of Methadone a day. Good luck with your journey. I have been told Methadone is the most kidney friendly pain med there is.
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Sorry, there must be a Pikesville Maryland ? Better luck there I hope than anywhere in KY...
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Hadnuff: Did you look into my suggestion?
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