
I’m currently no contact with my mom who needs home help but living a rural area, there are not many caregivers close by. So the caseworker has only been able to get her 3 hours of help per week. I know the case worker visited her last week and I’m hoping she talked to my mom about assisted living. If my mom is willing, can the case worker find her a place to go that has an opening and will accept Medicaid? Or do I need to be doing the searching?

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You have no legal obligation to assist your mother. Stay no contact if you choose to.

With folks who are "stubborn" often they will respond better to someone in authority telling them what they must do.
Helpful Answer (2)
Missmypeace Sep 2023
I’m hoping that is the case. My mom is both very needy and very stubborn at the same time. It’s maddening!
Most ALs are private pay and the ones that are not have wait lists. The only thing that can help right now is the case worker
Helpful Answer (1)
Missmypeace Sep 2023
Thank you!
If a caseworker is involved and she feels Mom needs more care, then the SW should have the authority to bring in APS (Adult protection services) to take over Moms care. They will place her and the State will assign a guardian.
Helpful Answer (1)
Missmypeace Sep 2023
Thank you, that’s good to know.
Most states' Medicaid programs only pay for LTC, not AL or MC. So, unless your Mom has the financial means the social worker probably cannot help her.

Your Mom could go into a faith-based facility if there's one in proximity to her. Most of those are more affordable than a "chain" facility or a for-profit one.

The other option is for her (or your sister) to privately hire an aid to come every day and check on her. She would need to cover the cost for this herself. Your sister may need to help her manage it. Or, she pays a trusted neighbor to check in on her daily and report back to your sister.
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Missmypeace Sep 2023
What is LTC? My sister is not an option, unfortunately. She has very serious mental health problems and has not an ounce of empathy for either parent. Good to know about faith based facilities. Thank you!
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