
I know this sounds weird. While the question doesn't concern my (almost) 80yr.-old mother. It does concern a 51yr.-old mentally-ill woman I am interested in. She recently told me that she has a caregiver. I thought caregivers did all the grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and care? But not promote sex between the client, and interested 3rd party.

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Yup, that's weird. I'm not sure what you mean by "interested in"? If you're not her PoA or guardian, you have no power to change what is going on with the 51-yr old unless you believe there is some form of reportable abuse and you choose to contact this woman's PoA or guardian. Otherwise, it's a likely confusing dumpster fire of drama. I'd run away.
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Chris51667 May 2020
I am not trying to become her PoA. When I said 'interested in', I mean in a romantic sense. I am not trying to change anything(caregiver, living situation, etc.). But your answer, does another question. That her high school friend is not her caregiver.

As for 'confusing dumpster fire of drama'. That had me laughing......great description.
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If you think this is really going on call APS and tell them what you said here. They may investigate. Ask that she be questioned without caregiver around.
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Chris51667 May 2020
Definitely not an APS situation.
Caregivers don’t have control over their client. They don’t decide what the client can do. And the caregivers duties vary. Many do not do the grocery shopping period. Some just accompany the client. And the client is allowed to shop for themselves if they want to. And their clients sex life is really none of their business.

why are you asking this type of question? Are you thinking the caregiver will interfere in your attempt to have a relationship with the woman you mention?
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Chris51667 May 2020
I am asking here.

Because, In the sense of a caregiver, only people who for some reason(like here) are(or have utilized the services of) a caregiver. Would remotely understand.

No, I don't think a caregiver would interfere.
I wasn’t asking why you asked this here. I asked why you asked the question at all. Because as you can see, some will automatically assume what they think the situation is and tell you call APS or become POA. This is what happens when there is no context, no background information and just a vague question. So again I will ask, what prompted you to ask this question? Are you just trying to find out what the caregivers role is and how it may affect your relationship with someone who has one?
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