
I was at my father's this afternoon and decided to go for a walk around the neighbor while he napped. I was walking on the sidewalk and all of a sudden this Golden Retriever comes charging at me. The owner was about 20 feet away and had a leash in their hand. I yelled at the dog and then at the owner and said "Leash you dog!". They did nothing nothing. So I yelled "You irresponsible jerk!" Then yelled it again and made a left turn and got out of there.

This is a neighbor of my father's and I have seen them before. Now I feel bad about I yelled at them. Should I? I mean the law is that in public all dogs should be leased and under control. This dog was neither. It was not an aggressive breed but still this particular dog was coming after me and barking. What do you think?

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I believe in keeping posts up if the topic pertains to elder care. Certainly hazards from animals fits the bill.

Several months back, mil attempted a walker walk with Brothers Wife and mils dog. Said dog startled, mil fell in the confusion, and the paramedics had to haul her off the street. Of course if it’d been someone’s unleashed dog, that person would have been in a boatload of trouble, but as it was, it was her fault. she still has the dog, and if she trips over it in her house, there’s not anything anyone can do about it.

Regular responsible dog walkers need to give a wide berth to humans needing mobility devices, be it a stroller, a walker, cane, wheelchair or whatever. Don’t go up to them like your dog is a therapy dog, not even if it is leashed.
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pamzimmrrt Jul 2022
Peggy her post as read has nothing to do with elder care, her father was napping . As far as we know Lisa has no mobility issues, although she may next week.. this topic is nothing to do with this forum.
Pam, you are right. I'm reporting my comment so the mods can consider shutting this post down to further comments. It's turned into a two-way conversation between 2 members chatting between themselves anyway, and has nothing whatsoever to do with caregiving.
Helpful Answer (1)
PeggySue2020 Jul 2022
Lealonnie, every senior facility including the one where your mom was has some pet policy because there is a recognizable hazard. Perhaps you’d do more good talking about what it was versus harping on people you personally dislike. Can animals cause hazards to old people? Yes. how do we mitigate that while allowing them to keep their animals and or avoid risks?
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What does this have to do with ageingcare? About as much as Lisa's post about her new neighbor having the hots for her because his car plate resembled her name.. The mods remodel posts for less than this,, where are they on this completely unrelated stuff? I have been posting less and less because so much of this is drama related as this is,, not actual caregiving. Her dad was nowhere near this situation, she was not harmed, and it's not a pet training forum!
Helpful Answer (4)
Becky04489 Jul 2022
I agree totally! I see her name and know we're in for histrionic nonsense. She needs a big dose of real caregiver problems.
Lisa, I think your initial approach would be enough to scare off this dog owner. He knows you will get him in trouble, ok?

but like I said, you can’t make the street dog free. If like you your father shares these apprehensions, along with his other issues, it might be well nigh to move him into an environment where this fall risk is even more mitigated, such as a dog free facility or condo complex.
Helpful Answer (1)

Lisa< I am far from being a dumb person. I am a PhD Level Licensed Clinical Psychologist and I have 15+ years working in emergency departments and hospitals as a mental health evaluator. I know a validation seeker when one pops up. And the falls due to pets is less than 0.028%.
Helpful Answer (4)
PeggySue2020 Jul 2022
Becky, you said roughly 85000 out of 3m. Wouldn’t that be 2.8 percent? If true, that’s not neglible.
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Lisa, the odds are huge that this man and his dog will never bother you again. He is probably more scared of you, and he probably figures he is surveilled going past your fathers property.

I give you props for being honest enough to not be publicly faking concern for the dog as your main concern over behavior. If a dog is unleashed on the street, it’s ok if your main concern is what happens to ppl when a car hits it vs the dog. My fav personally was all these ppl calling us insisting that their noise complaints had to, absolutely had to, be related to animal abuse when really they wanted Aco to come out there and impound it as barking was on code enforcement. Animal control joked about the latter often.
Helpful Answer (1)

This question is simply another bid for validation by Lisa Trevor. There are roughly 3,000,000 falls for elderly people treated in US Emergency Departments each year. Only an estimated 86,629 are attributable to pets.

This forum is only helpful if the topics are related to caregiving. Barking dogs, 5th grade report cards, do not belong on Agine Care. I would suggest that Lisa find an online forum more suited to her needs.
Helpful Answer (4)
lisatrevor Jul 2022
Saying someone needs "validation" because they asked for opinions is a cheap technique that appeals to dumb people.

People generally ask for opinions to get different perspectives so they can do the right thing. You can go through a long, full life and still not have anywhere near the experiences of someone else. That's why asking for opinions can be beneficial.

"Only an estimated 86,629 (falls) are attributable to pets." "Only"? It seems that that's an important subject for eldercare.
Hopeforhelp22 - That's all nonsense. The dog was charging at me and barking. That was a threat to my safety. Being nice, like holding out my hand was a risk of being bitten by a dog with an unknown history. Some dogs have rabies.

I have the right to to do whatever it takes to protect myself in such a situation. If there is a "negative outcome" with the dog then I am in no way responsible. In fact if I am injured the dog owner might be.

I used to dislike dogs but then I found out the truth - in most cases it's not the dog I dislike but the irresponsible owner! The other discovery is that it is a cultural thing - in different places dogs behave different. It's a refection of the respect dog owners have for their neighbors and their dogs. That's when you can be nice.
Helpful Answer (1)
Hopeforhelp22 Jul 2022
lisatrevor - If you think it's "nonsense" that you will be justified for hurting a dog in any way - then you will sadly find out the hard way. You really have hate inside of yourself - detest for animals, people - it's coming out in your messages. And I previously heard of a situation - similar to yours - and causing behavior to provoke a dog - or hurt a dog - will cost you massive legal fees and problems that are not easily resolved - even if you "think" you are justified. You seem to want to take control of a situation in the worst case possible...why don't you find a more positive way to spend your time - truly?

And I never suggested to hold your hand out to an unfamiliar dog - who by the way, never touched you - walked away...was more civilized. Let it go already - for your own good.

And yes - it's very clear that you still dislike dogs - I don't understand that at all. My gosh - you are really missing out. The happiest times in my life have been with dogs - all dogs - any dog - just put a dog in front of me - please!

Just try being nice first - stop the judgement already - doesn't it make your day tense're like the "Grinch of Dogs" - yikes! Lighten up - please!
What do you think? You obviously feel guilty about it and maybe realize it was misplaced anger. Are you looking for people to agree with you that you were right to yell at him because the dog was not on a leash. Should you feel bad? It's up to you to decide. And you can always apologize if you feel inclined or just forget about it.
Helpful Answer (1)
lisatrevor Jul 2022
Yes, ultimately it's up to me but it is sometimes good to get different perspectives. That's what this forum is for.
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Hopeforhelp22 - It's true the dog did not bite me and cause me to fall but it came charging and unfriendly barking at me and I wasn't about to assume the dog was just trying to be nice.

It's also true I was aggressive by yelling but that's what I believe irresponsible dog owners need to hear and experience to change their behavior.

I'm through being a pushover when it comes to these kinds of people. When I look back at my life it has happened countless times. I just remembered one time I was swimming in the ocean in water over my head without lifeguards around (I no longer do this!). This retriever-type dog comes swimming out to me putting it's paws on me and causing a very dangerous situation.

I still remember feeling the dogs nails on my hands and body. I yelled at the dog and anyone nearby and was able to swim back. When I got to shore the dog owner or his dumb friend shouted out me "You're a wimp!". I just got my shoes on, picked up my towel and high tailed it out of there. No more though. Next time I will take a photo of the offending dog and owner, if I can, and forward it to animal control and the police.
Helpful Answer (1)
sp19690 Jul 2022
When's the next Resident Evil movie coming out? Maybe you can include some zombified golden retrievers in it.

Lol about a dog, specifically a golden retriever swimming to you in the ocean and putting their paws on you. What is it with you and that specific breed if dog. It's just uncanny and strange.

And why don't you correct everyone that assumes you are female?
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Just to get back on topic.

Lisa, you can’t expect a dog free world for you and dad. While it is true that even leashed dogs can be a haz, in truth that’s the best you can expect, that they’re leashed, no matter what the risk is for falls to the population.

Any dog owner should be respected while following the leash law. The opposite is also true. The worst thing anyone wants is a dog caused fatality or injury, human or animal. As I meticulously detailed, this can cost an owner the price of a car even if they win their dogs life at the end. The right thing to do in a public byway is to leash.
Helpful Answer (3)
lisatrevor Jul 2022
PeggySue2020 - Have you ever been to Western Europe? I have. The dogs there are almost all like well-behaved children (and nearly all pure breeds, many of which are stunningly beautiful, that are unknown in the US). I asked someone with a dog why this is and the answer was: "We live in a very densely populated area. We must respect our neighbors. If my dog was not behaved they would be biting people all day! My dog went to school at 6 months for 6 months. But not all dogs here do,".

So the world can be a lot more "dog friendly". It's just that irresponsible dog owners don't respect their neighbors. It's that simple.
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Hey Isthisrealyreal,

Not that you're owed an explanation, but I have 25 years of service in caregiving without so much as a Post-it note in my work file. Do you? I have never been fired from a position, and my many references are so sterling that The Queen of England would brew her tea on them.
In the mail today was my second approval letter from my state for a homecare agency license in my name.
In my state if you want this kind of license a person can't have anything questionable. Not in one's work or tax history. Not bad credit, and not even an unpaid parking ticket to get this kind of licensing. So if the state who has held me serious scrutiny and pretty much talked to every family and agency I ever worked for in 25 years approves me, then I would hardly be criticized and humbled by the likes of you.
If only there was a finger emoji...
Helpful Answer (4)
Isthisrealyreal Jul 2022
Why do you want a finger emoji, to share your IQ?

You have repeatedly told this forum how you intimidated your clients.

I have no doubt they were to scared to report the abuse before they died.

No confidence in any reporting in home health care. Not enough resources available for ALL the complaints.

Better bandage that arm, it must be spranged for all the patting yourself on the back:-)
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The startle that we feel when a dog starts charging at us is strong and reflexive. You can't help the physical shaking and anger at the perceived threat.
Having the leash in your hand and seeing the dog but not calling it to come as soon as you appeared in the dog's line of sight was the owner's error. Next was the owner's apparent lack of urgency to get that dog onto the leash. Or the dog does not have a very well conditioned response to the command to come - or sit and stay or whatever.
My dog loved to run on the beach. As a puppy she did it with a 2 ft long cotton lead to give me a chance to grab her while she was learning. She. never did master the behavior (due to lack of skill on. my part) so her beach trips were early in the AM, and I kept my eyes on her and scanned all the dogs around us every couple of I could get the leash on her if any dog was approaching.
For her safety and the other dog.
Had a couple of owners who were furious that I would not 'let' my dog play with their dog. Blind in one eye, my dog got freaked out if 2 strange dogs came up at the same time....
Try to chalk it up to stupid humans, and let it go. You sure can't control what others do, or their pets.
Helpful Answer (3)

Hi GardenArtist, I’ll answer your question out of sequence as the nests are getting snarled.

What I did was quote our county’s law, which is based on California law.

The law here is that if ones cat, rabbit, chicken or other animal is on the owners property and a dog harms or kills it, they can file a report requesting an animal control investigation. The dog will be picked up and involuntarily housed at hundreds of dollars per day to the owner for perhaps months while animal control prepares the case for a judge. Even if they are paying, there are no visitation privileges. If they won’t pay then custody reverts to the shelter, usually ending with a euthanasia.

If, and usually only if, the dog owner retains a lawyer in addition to paying, they may get the reward of being county required to put up 8 foot fences around their property with county issued dangerous dog signs all over it. They are required to inform their homeowners insurance. They are then only allowed to walk said dog with a muzzle for the dogs entire life. Animal control will be by for unscheduled drive bys for the dogs entire life.

20k in 2022 actually is a lowball estimate.

that’s not me talking about opinions. It’s how it actually works.
Helpful Answer (1)
lisatrevor Jul 2022
If any cares to look at the statistics and other information related to dogs causing falls in the United States just do a simple search "dogs cause falls us". You'll find right upfront plenty of information from reliable sources related to the physical and economic damage dogs cause to humans.

This is something that is not well known. I discovered it some years ago when I was knocked over by a small, energetic, yappy mutt that wouldn't leave my legs alone and I landed on my hip, which was sore for a week. As usual, the dog owner did not apologize.
You're back here trolling lisatrevor? It's been a while. Honestly, you and Isthisrealyreal should live together because you're both out of your cotton-pickin' minds.
PeggySue is spot on about service dogs. My niece's husband trains service dogs. It is a serious training pretty much from the moment that pup is born it starts.
Real service like this who are a blind person's eyes or deaf person's ears or who will be in law enforcement, do not just run over to a stranger to say 'hi'. They are so disciplined that never happens.
Maybe the "service" dogs for people who have emotional problems or anxiety disorders get different training. They are not seeing, hearing, or detecting explosives. Their job is a little easier. Their job can be managed with a little Ativan.
Helpful Answer (3)
Isthisrealyreal Jul 2022

You have some nerve trying to put words in my mouth.

But, I would expect nothing less from someone who justifies elder intimidation and back peddled like a pro when called out.
How close a neighbor is this dog owner? Is it possible that he/she knows about your mother's condition and that you care for her? It's possible that this dog owner is kicking himself in the butt right now knowing that they added to your stress.

I'm lunk-headed enough that unless it's foaming at the mouth I welcome dogs charging at me as comic relief and innocent joy, BUT I very much understand being aggressively rushed at as though being attacked, and to have this happen while walking in deep thought makes this surprise an unfortunate combination. Your reaction is totally understandable.

If you're concerned that your reaction was a bit overkill, yes it would have been under better circumstances, which would've been you without troubles, and if the dog owner were more responsible and would've restrained the dog upon the first yank on the leash. This whole event would have been totally avoided. But you were caught off guard and the other party didn't do the right thing.

Sometimes when things go sh*t badly, or viciously startling, I wonder if I may have just been given a smack on the back of my head by fate to sharpen me up as a warning to avert something worse that may be in store for me.
Sometimes I think, after my heart stops thumping and I calm down - Okay, okay, Jeez Louise, what was the lesson? Maybe you're supposed to talk to this person eventually. Maybe you were the best tool to remind this person to do the right thing which actually helps a elderly senior on a stroll the next day.
Yes, I am a little whacky. At any rate, thinking like that softens the lingering discomfort of the episode.

As part of your community of caregivers I totally understand your part. A barking dog can be a fearful dog and/or an aggressive dog. Dog bites are not funny. You may have saved the dog's life by waking up the owner.

Because you question your reaction you definitely sound like a good person.

After a while you will pass that person again. Give a little wave and a nod if you can and build on it. Your dad may need him one day. He may need you.
Helpful Answer (2)
PeggySue2020 Jul 2022
I couldn’t agree with your reply more, Michele.

Anyone has a right to be very concerned when an unleashed dog is coming at them illegally. In doing so, of course, said dog could get run over.
Lisa, do not physically interact with dogs if you can possibly avoid it. all that will do is pit you at more physical and legal risk.

Fences, even low ones, make excellent barriers for dogs. An alternative is natural vegetation. A house near my parents has exotic cacti with five inch thorns as their fence.

People violating leash laws can be videoed just like anyone else in public. Take that evidence to your local animal control, which will have law enforcement powers to correct the situation without even naming you. Please leave this to the professionals.
Helpful Answer (2)

Is the dog okay?

Golden Retrievers are often friendly to a fault, and this lovable trait makes them fantastic companion dogs but works against them when they're trying to learn to protect someone or something from intruders. They're naturally protective dogs, but they're protective of everyone.
Helpful Answer (2)
PeggySue2020 Jul 2022
I was a shelter worker for a decade. There were many vert sweet pit bulls, and there were many antisocial retrievers. I’m not big on labeling dog behaviors by breed.

If any owner cares about their dog enough to walk it down a public street, they should care enough to put a leash on it.
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What do I think? That you're back again with more histrionics and trying to stir up drama. What does this post have to do with caregiving?
Helpful Answer (8)
lisatrevor Jul 2022
I hear you but now that we're in deep in the subject everyone should know the real dangers dogs present to the elderly. It's not just bites. It's the falls that can be catastrophic. Even just tripping over a dog that is being a "little cute rascal" can result in bruises, bleeding, broken bones and/or brain injury. In fact, as I stated earlier, dogs are responsible for over 50% of all falls in the US. I'm being conservative here. I think it might be closer to 80%.
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As much as I like dogs I do think they should be leashed. I once saw an elderly neighbor get knocked over when an overly friendly dog jumped on him which resulted in a broken rib. No bad dogs just irresponsible owners.
Helpful Answer (2)
Isthisrealyreal Jul 2022
Overly friendly doesn't mean untrained in many cases.

Any dog that jumps on people isn't well trained.
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Obviously the dog didn't get near you or you would not have made a left turn to extricate yourself. You acted aggressive because you were scared, stop blaming everything else for you.

You should bother to read your state laws, a leash isn't required if the dog is under voice control in many states. Maybe your dads is one.

You just made yourself look like what you are, so stop being surprised because you are treated like you ask to be.
Helpful Answer (1)
PeggySue2020 Jul 2022
Lisa said the dog was 20 feet away. That’s like from my door to my garage. she has every right to be scared of a dog approaching her and barking.

She also indicates she lives in a populated area. Probably 98 percent of them have a leash law.

Further, if the dog had been under the voice control so many owners profess, it wouldn’t have been snarling at strangers.
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Of course you should yell.
Don‘t feel bad.
Helpful Answer (3)
lisatrevor Jul 2022
Thanks. I'm not. Tomorrow I visit my father again. If I see that irresponsible, stupid, ah*** dog owner again I will totally ignore them. If their dog charges me again I will defend myself. If it bites me or knocks me over I'm calling an attorney who specializes in dog law first thing Monday morning. I've also decided not be scared of these irresponsible lowlifes. Also the next time I will call the police and make sure a detailed report is taken.

By the way, the owner was 20 ft in front on me. The dog was like 10 feet in front and I had no idea what it was going to do. It was charging at me and barking; totally unlike a retriever-type of dog.

I checked my city website and there is in fact a leash law all dogs must be on a leash when off of private property.
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I am a big time animal lover. Had a dog for most of my kid/teen years. Lived in apartments after I left home, and have had cats ever since. Love dogs and live in a house with a yard now. But we have no fence and aren’t home during the day to let one out for potty breaks. Wouldn’t be fair to the dog.

Barring a prior traumatic incident, I cannot understand anyone not loving animals. Or people thinking they’re dirty and don’t belong inside.

Anyhoo. I do agree they should have kept their dog on a leash. A retriever would probably just lick you to death. The horror! But as an old bumper sticker said, Leashed = Loved.

I’ve had leashed and unleashed dogs come up to me. The owners usually apologize and pull the dog back. Even though I’m one of those people who talks to dogs like they’re toddlers and don’t mind the visit at all!

But unless it’s obvious that a dog is running up to chew your face off, yelling at the owner just makes you look crazy. Or they see you as someone who just hates all animals and doesn’t want any animal in their periphery, thus they don’t give a rat’s butt about your rant.
Helpful Answer (2)
PeggySue2020 Jul 2022
As a dog lover, then, you should be extra careful to have your dog leashed so it doesn’t get into trouble.
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I can understand how you might have felt and also understand your actions. I can relate your story to 2 similar stories of my own. One when I was in the situation of your neighbour , i.e. behaving irresponsibly and got shouted at by another person and the other was when I was doing the shouting at the irresponsible person. I will use the example of pointing out the error of my irresponsible neighbour. It wasn't received well. I reflected and apologised some hours later which was received very well and the problem I was concerned about has not repeated since. I dont know your neighbour or your situation like you do but I am quite happy to be the first to apologise in situations....for what I am sorry for ...not for what the other might/is responsible for. Hope helpful.
Helpful Answer (0)
lisatrevor Jul 2022
Yes, it is helpful. My other issue is that I don't know this neighbor at all and you never know when someone might retaliate if I see them again.

Years ago I had a similar situation with multiple dogs charging from a yard into the street after me. I yelled at the dogs and owner who stood in his driveway drinking beer and not doing or saying anything. When I yelled I was going to call the police he got in his car and came after me! When he caught up with me he wanted to know where I lived and that I "better not call the police." I literally ran across a field, hopped rocks across a stream and continued running through thick woods and prickly bushes until I got to a road and ran home shaking and scratches all over my legs. I never walked by that neighbors house ever again. That was such a shame as it was beautiful setting.
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Many years ago, I was walking MIL's dog - on a leash. At the end of her street, a dog was running loose and belonged to the family who lived on the corner. If recollection serves me correctly, the owners were already aware the dog was loose. The dog charged my MIL's dog and wanted to fight. I didn't know what to do. I clung to the leash and yelled anything and everything I could at these people to have them remove their dog from the situation before MIL's dog got killed (not to mention my own safety). In that moment, it was life or death. I didn't care what I said or who heard me. I went home and said to MIL "Let me know if your neighbors call the cops on me." Not long after that incident, the family put their house up for sale and left. Don't worry about it. You were justified. My hands are shaking just typing this.
Helpful Answer (2)
PeggySue2020 Jul 2022
ISRR, clearly YOU just want drama or a fight. Otherwise you would as I have clarify or not contradict your own statements.

You sit there and moan about how ppl don’t like your dog? Could that be because you make your dog into a problem for others? Because 99 percent of ppl with actual registered service dogs don’t come at it like this.

If there is a dog coming at you from 10 feet away unleashed like Lisa said, that’s a problem. And if it actually bit Lisa or her father on her property, that dog is probably going down for a dirt nap were it my county.

Im aware Lisa isn’t the most popular poster on this board. She doesn’t have to be. However, that is how it’s gonna go down and it’s up to good dog owners, service dogs or otherwise, to make sure it’s not their dog.

Thats it. If you want to get into ad hominems, I’m gonna decline. I suggest we no longer interact.
In reading Moxie's reply it made me think. My daughter dated a disabled man with a Service Dog. A trained service dog. It cost thousands to train this dog. I was never afraid of him because he was so well behaved.

Not saying thousands of dollars need to be spent but if you have a dog, then train them or have them trained. Do not think its cute that your dog smells someone (I hate this), jumps up on them or licks their face. I HATE it and will not return to ur home unless the dog becomes better behaved.
Helpful Answer (3)
LoopyLoo Jul 2022
Wow. You know kids are like 10x more germy than dogs, right?
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For Burnt, you could have sued the owners for your fall. No dogs nipping at you, no fall. I would also would have called animal control. If I found out the dog was adopted from a shelter, they would get a call too. My daughter volunteers for a no kill shelter and their adoptions have contracts. If you find for any reason you can't continue to care for the dog, they are to be returned to the shelter. You must show vet records that shots are given and previous dog got regular check ups. The dog cannot be given to another person, must go back to the shelter. Dogs are not allowed to wander and can be taken back by the shelter if found they are.

Lisa, maybe did overreact, but the guy was a jerk. Standing there with a leash in hand but allowing the dog to run free. I am 5 ft tall and I don't care for large breed dogs. I just read where Labs and Retrievers can be aggressive and I would have not appreciated a dog that big coming at me. Dogs by law are to be leashed at all times and contained on your property with no way to escape.

Our neighbor adopted a dog that looks like an over grown beagle. He is about the size of a Lab. He was sniffing around my house and I wanted to leave. I hollered to the owner to please come get ur dog and he said "he is just wandering around". Dogs lovers don't seem to understand that everyone does not love their dog. That there are people who are afraid of them. If you have this problem again, turn your back to the dog. Show no aggression. I don't see where you need to apologize. The person was a jerk. He should have called his dog back. If the dog is not trained to take commands, it should be leashed at all times. But then a trained dog would not have come at you and a responsible owner would leash their dog,

As my daughter said when I said I was afraid Mom would fall and break something..."they will fall". She literally turned her back on a resident in a wheel chair for a second and in that second the resident was able to stand up and then fell.
Helpful Answer (2)
BurntCaregiver Jul 2022

These were not shelter dogs. They were from a breeder. The fall happened on our property. I couldn't have proven those dogs were the reason I fell. We didn't have cameras on our property. I probably could have sued our homeowner's insurance though. Then again my medical bills were fully covered and a claim like that would only have risen the premiums.
People need to mind their animals, their kids, and their old folks. The world would be a far less stessful place if they did.
I have a friendly small poodle that likes to jump up and say hi. I have realized that this offends, and even frightens, some
people, especially from other cultures. Bad habit, my fault, and will try to retrain her. A lady my husband knew had to to get rid of her lovely large dog because it jumped up on her and she was injured, as she was disabled. I think this owner was in the wrong. Perhaps, a note explaining your concern causing the shocked response might make him be more careful? I must admit I know of dog owners, and people parents, that excuse egregious behavior by those they have, is raised the right word.? I saw a trainer exhibiting a method to retrain. He attached a long lead and let the dog wander until it ignored the lead, and when the dog jumped, he jerked it knocking the dog over. It was harsh, worked instantly. He explained it was the reason after biting that made people give dogs to shelters. A very bad habit.
Helpful Answer (1)

You didn't do anything wrong. Dogs are supposed to be leashed. It doesn't matter is the dog isn't an aggressive breed. Unless a dog is living on a gated-in estate somewhere they have to be leashed.
I'd give animal control a call too. Let the guy get a nice fine then see how fast he buys a leash for his dog.
I had irresponsible dog owner's as neighbors. They had three little dogs and thought it was fine to just let them all over toour place to crap. I didn't have any dogs myself, yet I had a yard full of crap.
We tried talking to them and that accomplished nothing. The dogs were still at our place several times a day. The final straw was I was bringing in groceries and they were nipping at my feet and I fell on the groceries which also got wrecked.
My husband or myself usually cleaned up their dogs' crap daily from our yard. Only I had a broken foot with two pins in it from the fall. So he had to clean up the dog crap alone for a while and he did.
Everyday after work he'd scoop it up into a big old Hefty garbage bag.
When that bag got good and full, he went next door and dumped it in their swimming pool.
Never saw those dogs in our yard again. The following spring my hubs, FIL, and BIL's put up a fence.
Helpful Answer (5)

I mean, should the dog have been leashed? Absolutely. Was it irresponsible for a number of reasons not to have the dog on a leash- definitely. Anything could happen and there are reasons for leash laws and even where leash laws don't exist it's just a good practice to have a dog on a leash in places where they could encounter unfamiliar people or get away from their owner.

That being said, was the yelling and confrontational nature strictly necessary right away? Probably not. Was there something going on that day that made you react so quickly and strongly? There may have been some reason that the neighbor didn't react as quickly as you were expecting. In hindsight you are probably realizing that it was a stronger reaction than necessary. But give yourself some grace and let it pass.

Here is my concern - and this is important for YOU to remember. You say "No one in their 80's should fall. Ever!"

We all WANT this. This is the hope. This is the plan but this is NOT the reality. You do everything that you can to make this happen. You remove rugs and obstacles, including dogs and cats. You give them the tools they need to move about safely. You make sure they have (and wear) the right footwear. You do all that you can to ensure that they are safe. BUT THEY WILL STILL FALL. And in some cases they will do it A LOT. And in fact often the more you try to prevent it the more it happens. So do everything you can to prevent it and remove obstacles. But remember it is still going to happen so plan for that too.

We have done everything that we can to ensure that FIL's home is as obstacle free as possible but he still has FALLS. There is literally nothing you can do to ensure that it will never happen. So you have to prepare yourself mentally for it. And you have to prepare yourself for what you are going to do physically. I know that sounds strange. But for the vast majority of people in that age group you can't just grab them and pick them up. At least the ones I know. They can't all help in the getting up. So in a lot of cases you have to call an ambulance or for other help and you have to know how to safely get them up if they have physical issues. In our case we have to call different help depending on if he is hurt. If he is, it's two ambulances (due to his weight/size). If he's not hurt it the fire department with a bariatric lift request (two teams).

So, while it is admirable that you want to protect him and I'm in no way making light of that goal, I think it is also prudent that you go to the other extreme and ensure you have a full plan for the falls that are sure to come.
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